Dock Bach / Fish Dock
Dock Bach / Fish dock is a cracking place to fish in Holyhead, it’s around a 30 minute drive from the Britannia Bridge crossing.
Fully accessible for all anglers due to the ability to fish out of your car moreover it saves the long walk down the breakwater. Without the walk, fishing is quite similar but more comfortable moreover you can take more tackle in the car.
Doch Bach / fish dock is a great place to also target Conger, they are in the large strap size but big enough. If you choose to target Conger just make sure you have the right tackle. The dock is a straight down and you will need to get the fish up the wall. Ideal if you have a drop net or stronger tackle to hand.
Big fish and squid baits close to the wall will help find Conger as they patrol the wall. High tide and low tide when the water is slackest can help bring out the conger from their hidyholes. They are an all round predator, ambush, free swimming and scavengers. In less deep water such as around the dock Back and breakwater it is best to target them during the night.
There is also great opportunities to target mini species down the side of the wall, its also good for Wrasse too. Its full of little nooks and crannys for them to hide in. Try baited sabaki rigs down the side for quick fix fishing, inch sections of worm works a treat. Rag, Lug and blow worm are fine, I have tried all with good results. I do tend to favor Ragworm when fishing the area this way. Make sure the hooks are not too big and you are good to go. I caught a doggy once and thought I had a huge Wrasse on using this method.
Species: Not exhaustive
Whiting, Codling, Conger, Ballan and Corkwing Wrasse, various mini species, Pollock.
Tight Lines, live tide times below.