Llanddwyn Island

Fishing Llanddwyn Island is an adventure in itself. The car park for Llanddwyn is around a 30 minute drive from the Britannia Bridge crossing. Its a hard slog when carrying your fishing gear, the closest car park is over a mile away. Unless you live local you can actually park quite close to the start, but you need a key.

Llanddwyn Island has lot of marks to fish from, sandy beaches to rocky outcrops. Its ideal for both bottom fishing and a bit of LRF in places. In general you are fishing on to a sandy bottom, not sure I would want to carry both sets of gear though. Definitely keep your tackle to a minimum, this will make the journey far easier.

There are not many reports from fishing Llanddwyn Island, they seem to have slowly disappeared over the last few years.. It may be the long walk that puts people off as there are many easier access marks on Anglesey. That said if its not all about the fishing, the local scenery is on par for best in the UK.

Fishing behind the old lifeboat shed from the rocks, aim straight out parallel to the opening of the bay. This area has the deepest section of water around the island, straight on to a sandy bottom. Lug has always been poor for me here but Razor clam can work well, providing busy sessions as does Rag worm.

Fishing from the rocks behind shed in pic is decent

Llanddwyn Island used to be renowned for its Smoothhound fishing, I cant see why that would have changed recently. The facebook group Shorehuggers had a meet on Llanddwyn on the 11th of May 2019 and next to nothing was caught. It will fish better mid June on wards as the water temperatures begin to rise a little more steadily. Try fresh peeler at night if targeting the Smoothhounds.

The end beach next to the old light house can be decent for Bass at times. Just be aware there is a Seal that hunts in this section of the island quite regular. Many anglers find this offputting but in my opinion it shows there are plenty fish in the area. Catching them, well thats fishing.

Get out and give it a go. Its a venue where you have to work to find the fish but the spot I mentioned above has always produced for me. Its not easily visible or accessible so its not often fished. Navionics is a great tool for finding the deepest sections of fishing venues.

Species: Not exhaustive

Dogfish, Bullhuss, Bass, Smoothhounds, Pollock, Mackerel, Ballan and Corkwing Wrasse, Dab, Sandeel

Tight Lines, live time tables below.

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