The Rock Channel

The Rock Channel is a fishing mark on the end of the Wirral at New Brighton.

2020 has been a great year at this venue and it seems to be improving year on year. It is steadily gaining a reputation for being one of the top venues for catching Smoothhounds in the North West.

Unlike most other fishing marks the Rock Channel has what is known as the long walk. Before I continue, you should never do this alone and almost certainly go with someone experienced at first.

The long walk involves the use of chest waders. In order to get time on the fishing mark you must first wade through the outgoing tide. It will be just under chest height and moving quickly so very dangerous. On the right tide a group will usually muster and make the long walk across and through the tidal waters.

Around 35 – 50 minutes later you will be on the marks. With that in mind always allow yourself enough time to safely get of the bank. The tide will quickly come in around you and you won’t be able to see it happening. The rock channel is not a safe venue.

Prime bait for Smoothhounds is peeler crab, others work but are not as effective. Dont forget Smoothhounds are a warmer season species.

There are two great videos on YouTube, you should definitely watch one before attempting the long walk. Particularly if attempting the walk without someone to help guide you.

Species available (not exhaustive)

Smoothhounds, Dab, Whiting, Bass, Thornback Ray

The closest fishing tackle and bait shop is Bonners which can be found at 114 Victoria Rd, New Brighton, Wallasey, CH45 2JF. Phone ahead for fresh bait as it goes out as quick as it comes in on 0151-638-0883. There is also a good selection of frozen baits in store. Plus anything else you need for fishing in the area.

Tight lines, tide times for Liverpool below.

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