Fishing Reports

Otterspool 16.12.18

We are close to the end of December and I still hadn’t had a go at the Mersey Cod! I made the effort following my works Christmas party, rough is an understatement. I dragged myself from the couch complete with cold sweats and a huge headache.

I grabbed some lug and squid and made my way down to Otterspool in search of the Mersey winter Cod.

I had planned a short session as I had my youngest and his friend in tow, it was cold but the rain stayed off until the 5pm high tide.

We arrived at the Jericho lane car park to the above picture, a match from the Leyland fishing club. We walked towards the pumping station until we found a spot, set up and rods out. Using frozen black lug as the main bait tipped with squid tentacles to help keep it in place. We missed a few bites, more than likely due to the minions of pin whiting that decend upon the Mersey at this time of year. We did however manage quite a few small crabs inbetween the decent size whiting we caught… It kept the kids happy but I was still itching for a little codling. Unfortunately they did not show for me, I saw a few similar sized whiting come out either side of me and the odd tiny codling. It was a small tide hence me deciding the fish the Otterspool stretch, just wondering as I write this if I should have fished in front of the pumping station further up…this area is deeper closer in. Oh well maybe next time without the kids…It’s freezing! Check out our information pages in the local area for more in, check out the menu for local fishing info.

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