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Rhosneigr rock pools (snorkeling footage)

Had a few hours in the rockpools on Sunday the 5th August (this year is going quick) over in Rhosneigr

There was very few prawns about and a lack of species but they were absolutely heaving with fish, they were everywhere. At least a thousand in shoals, I think they were juvenile sandsmelt but I’m no expert. I saw a few bass in among them too you can see the odd one or two fleetingly on the video.
I was freezing after a few hours and went to warm up, I forgot the camera when going back to the pools. I literally jumped out my skin as a came head first into a nice bass, it looked as shocked as me and quickly scarpered.
The schoolies are lighting fast! The video is mostly just the teeming little fish, I saw one bass as you can hear from the video, there is another I didn’t see until I watched the video back. Sound is good considering I was talking underwater.

Just goes to show how shallow the waters in which these quick predators will hunt. I’ve seen a few now in this area and caught plenty too, all to black lug.

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